World Trademark Review 2018
“Betita Cabilao Casuela Sarmiento is constantly on the lookout for new recruits as its IP workload continues to grow. Seven years after its establishment, the firm is in hot demand among international brand owners and overseas associates because it communicates “thorough, business-friendly advice” transparently and is always searching and identifying ways to add value. On top of that, “its response times and speed are among the best in the industry”. The exclusive partner of non-profit anti-counterfeiting organisation REACT, the set has made enforcement a key area of strength, while also being one of the top trademark filers in the country. The firm operates in a more streamlined fashion than its competitors, with its proprietary software enabling clients to monitor their marks in real time. Andre Philippe Betita knows black-letter trademark law better than most, having drafted a significant portion of the country’s IP Code. He has a panoramic understanding of IP law and dispenses percipient advice to brand owners on media, advertising, consumer protection and privacy issues. Pericles Jose Conrado Casuela is a transactional ace who blends regulatory expertise into his wide-ranging practice.“